Gino's Blog

從 Scratch 開始的資工之路


The Start of Everything


終於開了一個自己的 blog > <

之後有寫比賽的檢討或是寫題解、演算法都會放在這裡 OwwO

終於脫離 HackMD 了!

這篇其實才是第一篇文章,在這篇之前的文章都是我從 HackMD 搬遷過來的。

Info Box

Happiness is not having a lot, but understanding how to use binary search.

Happiness is not having a lot, but understanding how to use binary search.

Happiness is not having a lot, but understanding how to use binary search.

Happiness is not having a lot, but understanding how to use binary search.

Happiness is not having a lot, but understanding how to use binary search.

Happiness is not having a lot, but understanding how to use binary search.